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Creating t.or()

Just like all other types, t.or() is implemented using customType(), so we can replicate its implementation ourselves. Note that this will require a deeper understanding of JavaScript and TypeScript.

import { TCustomType, customType } from "encodexx";
// Extract the type from TCustomType. For example, TCustomType<number | string> -> number | string
type ExtractCustomType<T extends TCustomType> = T extends TCustomType<infer R> ? R : never;
export function myOr<T extends TCustomType[]>(...types: T) {
if (types.length > 255) throw new Error("Too many types provided: Maximum allowed is 255");
return customType<ExtractCustomType<T[number]>>({
decode(buff) {
// Read the tag and use it to determine the type
const index = buff.readUint8();
return types[index].decode(buff);
encode(val, buffer) {
// Find the corresponding type among the provided types
const typeIndex = types.findIndex((el) => el.guard(val));
if (typeIndex === -1) throw new Error("No matching type found among the provided types");
types[typeIndex].encode(buffer, val);
guard(data): data is ExtractCustomType<T[number]> {
// t.or applies if at least one of the provided types matches
return types.some((el) => el.guard(data));
name: `Or<${ =>"|")}>`,

The type works the same as the original t.or()